Monday, August 07, 2006

Latest Info on Raegan

This morning I was awakened by Mackenzie at 3am. There was a storm outside and she called me down to her room. Once I was down there she asked me, "Mommy, is it thundering?" When I answered that it was, she turned back over and went back to sleep. Guess who was up the rest of the morning????

I decided to go down and look at the Yahoo groups I participate in. There was a note posted on the Yahoo group from Amy Eldridge of Love Without Boundaries - "Could the parents of Huan please email me? I have up to date info on her from the Aunties." HUAN!!!! That's Raegan!!!!

So I zipped off a note to Amy at 4:10am. I'm sure she's wondering what I was doing on the internet that early. I couldn't hardly work all day wondering what information would be waiting for me once I got home.

We ran in really fast and turned on the computer while we were changing clothes and shoving food in our face to hurry up and run out the door again to Vacation Bible School. There was a note from Amy that made me stop quick in my tracks. It read:

Huan is very lovely.she can says "mama"and our names:).she is doing well.she likes go to class and like smile.her height is 78cm and weight is 10kg.


WOW!! Let me convert those metrics for you. She weighs 22 pounds and is 30.7 inches long. Her sister at that age was 32 1/2 inches long and weighed 22 pounds and 8 ounces. So...looks like we have another little petite one. Mac's summer clothes size 18 months will work perfect!!

And....another email had three new pics attached. Take a look at the best of the bunch!!


Blogger live2qlt said...

She's close to Erin's size. Erin was 21 lbs and 32 inches at 2. You might want to bring some 12 month stuff too because Erin can still wear 12 month shorts and some other items. Looks like she's walking too so you'll be busy! Can't wait to see her in person.

5:27 AM  
Blogger Chris Sapp said...

We are so happy for you! What a blessing this new information and photos were! Raegan is truly beautiful, and has a wonderful smile! The Sapp Family will be praying for you!

In His Love,
Michelle, Chris, Mateo, & Natalia
(Mateo is part of the asian play group)

10:40 PM  

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