Monday, September 11, 2006

Good Morning from the 4 Biggs!

CC, Tina, Raegan, Mackenzie, and the caregiver from Shantou.

Wow!! Woke up yesterday with one child. Woke up this morning with two!!! God is good!

Last night was probably the best night's sleep any of us got. I think our clocks are finally getting adjusted. We actually woke up this morning and it was getting light outside. Yay!!!

Today we go to Civil Affairs for the "official" adoption. We are going to get up and get going to the White Swan for an awesome breakfast.

Raegan, believe it or not, slept through the entire night without so much as a whimper. As a matter a fact.....she's still sleeping. She is just an incredible little girl. She is walking pretty well. Her motor skills are EXCELLENT. She very strong with her hands. She likes to stack things up and have them nice and neat (Dear God....could you just see that she maintains that when she gets to Bloomington? :o) ) She has these really cute sad eyes, until she smiles, and then her whole face lights up. She has these big ears and I'm trying to imagine pig tails.....I'm just not sure. :o) Her hair is very short right now, but thicker than Mackenzie's at that age. Her tiny scar from her surgery is barely noticeable. However, Miss Mackenzie noticed it right away during PJ time and so we used that opportunity to tell her about Raegan being sick and having surgery. We let Mackenzie touch it so she knows it's OK. She just looked at Raegan and said "It's going to be OK, Raegan" Mackenzie has just been so awesome.

Here are some more pics. The blogger wouldn't let me post many pics last night......or maybe my brain couldn't post because I was asleep .... not sure which. :o)

Proud Daddy and his new little girl.

Mom and her girls.

The two best things that have ever happened to us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations and BIG HUGS to the Biggs family!!! We're so happy for all of you! Reagan looks adorable -- your story of the "gotcha" made me cry. I know how hard it can be sometimes for the babies/girls to leave their old lives, but the "grieving" they sometimes do is very necessary. So, if you experience some of that in the next few days, don't let it get you down.

Love, love, love Reagan's sweet ears! Carly can relate to those ears! She'll "grow into them" in time - but actually the Asian people claim ears that kind of stick out are a sign of future wealth and prosperity. I am forever getting compliments on Carly's ears from various Asian people we come across. They all say, "Beautiful ears - lucky girl!". So just remember that little tidbit! LOL.

Have a wonderful adoption day today! You all look awesome as a FAMILY OF 4!!!



7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Raegan is BEAUTIFUL like her "big" sister. These are beautiful pictures. I'm enjoying hearing about your journey. God is an AWESOME God! We will continue to keep you in our prayers!! I can't wait to see Raegan!

~~Love, The Cave's~Greg, Shelly, & girls

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that actually a suit on CC? Heck I don't think I've seen that since we were in China three and a half years ago...LOL

Mike Noonan

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God definitely has smiled on the Biggs family and I appreciate you sharing your joy with all of us! Today I heard from a minister who said that we are all "children of the light" and that we are to spread that light throughout the world. You are all definitely doing that and it's wonderful to see! Thanks for these great updates and I pray for safe travels back to the U.S. and we can't wait to meet your newest arrival!


Amy O.

PS - Frank and Margaret McNabb are having computer problems and have not been able to log onto it for a few weeks. They wanted me to pass along that they are so excited for all of you, and can't wait to meet your newest addition to the family!

11:29 PM  

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