Sunday, September 10, 2006

OMG - What a Day!!!'s the land of fairy tales, and two little girls dreams definitely came true today. What a day....never in my wildest dreams could I have visualized the day going like this.

We got up bright and early since our body clocks are ALL messed up. Melinda had already been out walking around and found a we hit it right after breakfast.

Our driver, Jimmy, arrived around 10am to take us to Hong Kong Disney. Oh my've never seen two little girls so excited when we entered under the big sign. It was almost as if they could read.

We started walking down the Main Street path and had barely really entered the park when a staff person stopped us. "How many in your group?", she asked CC. There are five of us. She said "Perfect - would you like to be in a parade?" I looked at Mackenzie and thought - does Micky Mouse have ears?

She explained that at 3pm there would be a parade and she would like us to be the Grand Marshalls for the parade. The parade would happen rain or shine. We were to be at the "City Hall" on Main Street at 2:30pm. We were so excited!!

We proceeded to take in all the sights of Disney. And, of course, the question of the day was, "Where is Cinderella?" We kept saying we'd have to keep our eye out for her. I wish you could have heard the exclamations as we walked up and Cinderella's castle came in to view.

Unfortunately, the rains came and we had to quit riding the rides. We didn't let it dampen our spirits though. We had a parade to be in! At 2:30, we reported to City Hall as we were told.

The staff person who was there was waiting for us. We didn't really know what to expect, and we'd got to the point where we figured there would be several "Grand Marshalls" for this parade. But, when we got to City Hall, we found out we truly were the only Grand Marshall for this particular parade, even though they hold more than one a day.

Our staff person took us back to a special room. She gave each of us our "Mickey" ears. Each of them had our names embroidered on the back. She gave the girls a full set of Disney character "stickers", and we also got a certificate showing the the Biggs family were Grand Marshalls for the parade that day.

At about 2:45, they walked us back to our special car. It was pouring down rain, but we didn't care. And, neither did the hundreds of people who were at Hong Kong Disney that day. As we came out of the gate the voice on the loud speaker announced, "Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome our Grand Marshall's for Mickey's Rainy Day Express parade, the Biggs family from Illinois in the USA. Our car started rolling down the streets of Disneyland, and we all waved to the crowd as we went by. Those two little Princesses did not miss a beat when it came to waving. (I think we have future homecoming queens in the making - oh brother.)

Once our car stopped, we were able to get out and get somewhere in time to see the rest of the parade. The girls got to see Cinderella and Snow White, just not up close like they wanted to. BUT...I think they were OK with that....being able to say they were in the parade WITH her was much more fun.

Out of all the hundred of people at that park that day, I cannot for the life of me figure out why we were picked to be the Grand Marshalls for a parade at Hong Kong Disney. Sometimes the universe just conspires with you.


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