Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Our Timeline

Just to give you an idea of what our process has looked like to date:

February 2005 - First opportunity to look in the Sunny Ridge Family Center special needs database of waiting children. We would look in the database twice through 2005 but our daughter was not there.

February 10, 2006 - Bethanne called and told us to expect the pictures of our daughter through Fed Ex. They arrived and we saw her for the first time - Shan Le Huan.

A few days later I joined a Yahoo group for parents with children from Shantou. There Amy Eldridge of Love Without Boundaries was able to determine which child at Shantou I was adopting. She then began to send me pictures of Raegan she had taken from the moment she went to Hangzhou for surgery. She has kept me updated photos and information ever since. She was also able to tell me "Raegan's story".

March 17, 2006 - we scrambled to get our care plan and information together and translated in Chinese. On March 17, 2006 Sunny Ridge submitted our "Letter of Intent" to adopt Shan Le Huan.

May 9, 2006 - Letter of intent to adopt was reviewed by Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs and we were given "Pre-Approval" (PA) to adopt Shan Le Huan.

June 2, 2006 - Sunny Ridge Family Center submitted our completed dossier to Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs.

June 11, 2006 - official log-in date (LID) for dossier

August 22, 2006 - Day 73 waiting for travel approval (TA)


Blogger Tina Biggs said...

I have no idea...today is day 74 and I cannot believe it's taking this long. But....last night on Chinaadopttalk.com I saw a note from a woman who was on ay 84 waiting for TA. Suzanne got her around day 68. So.....I'm not sure now when to expect it. It better come soon. I'm liable to hurt someone....they need to keep in mind I'm menopausal!!! :o)

5:17 PM  

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