Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Day in Guangzhou

After two rainy days in a row, we all have a serious case of cabin fever. You can only play so many games of "Go Fish" and it not start becoming as serious as a good Texas Hold 'Em tournament. It was time to get out.

It was very important to us that we use this opportunity to introduce Mackenzie to as much of the "real" China we thought her young mind could handle. So, today we all crossed the bridge from Shamian Island over to Guangzhou proper. Many people think when they see Hong Kong or Beijing they have seen China. However, those are very westernized cities and really don't represent the majority of how China really lives. Guangzhou is a good way to get a small glimpse, although I suspect it is still rather "modernized" compared to a great deal of China.

Mackenzie and Meghan did excellent considering the sights and smells they encountered, not to mention the long walk. There were lots of "learning" opportunities and, of course, LOTS of questions. They held their noses a lot, but I think both truly appreciated the fact that we were there to learn about their mother country. I just can't get over how well both girls are doing with their trip to a foreign country that looks (or smells) NOTHING like where they come from. (I now have a greater appreciation for our "money pit" on Woodfield Road :o) )

The weather in Guangzhou this time of year is normally very hot. We're on the same latittude as Havana, Cuba, so that should give you an idea of the typical weather. However, the weather is unseasonably cooler for September. It is proably in the 70's. All the local people are commenting on it. However, it is still extemely humid.

We experiened the Guangzhou marketplace which has things in buckets that people buy for cooking that we ended up having to "explain" away to Mackenzie. We didn't want to broaden her horizons too quickly....that's the kind of thing that could create a "night terror". It does for Mommy!! We went shopping through the jade and pearl markets. We purchased items in these stores when we here last time for Mackenzie when she turns 16. This trip we plan to purchase pearls for both girls when they marry. The prices are EXTREMELY cheaper than in the US, and it's also neat that they came from the country of their birth.

I took Mackenzie into a Buddhist Temple. The people were lighting incense and praying to Buddha. She immediately caught on that the people were kneeling and praying. She asked me if we were in a church. I explained that many people worship Buddha, not our God, and this was their church. The incense burned her nose but she kept walking and exploring. We went inside the building and there were 500 golden Buddha's displayed. Mackenzie was in awe. People inside were worshipping and praying, and it was remarkable how respectful Mackenzie was as if she realized she was in a place of worship. She asked where the kids went to Sunday School and if they had "Miss Melissa." I had to explain they probably did not go to Sunday School, or Vacation Bible School, or have a Miss Melissa, and how lucky we were that we had all that.

Meghan and Mackenzie both recognized and got excited when they saw the friendly golden arches of McDonalds . We told Raegan she would understand sooner than she realized. Thank God they didn't ask if we could eat there. We did find a Pizza Hut and had a pizza before we started the journey back to our hotel room.

On the way back to the hotel Mackenzie talked about everything that she saw. She asked if she could take the pictures to school for "News" and share with her classroom. So we decided we'd put together a small scrapbook of her China adventure so she could bring it to school to share her experience.

Ms Michaels and Ms. should know that Mackenzie misses you something awful and asks you think my friends at Montessori are going to miss me SOOO MUCH. I assure her that all miss her SOOO MUCH. :o) So, your comment on the blog yesterday was so nice and when I shared it with Mackenzie she smiled and was very happy.

We returned to our room just in time. Raegan was ready for a nap. Mackenzie and I then went out for some "Mommy and Mackenzie" time. However, our stroll on Shamian Island was cut short. We got caught in the pouring down rain. However, we used the opportunity to sing songs all the way back to the hotel room about rain. Rain, rain, go away....come again some other day.

We continue to do so well it amazes us. Even Bill (Sunny Ridge staff person) has commented more than once how "placement has been easier than anyone anticipated. We are battling a small case of "giardia" with Raegan that has caused some "adveturous" diapers. Other than that.....everything is GREAT!

I still have to pinch myself when I watch this sight down the hall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know if this is going to work (I've tried before to leave a comment on this blog thing and it didn't get posted. I'm just not sure how this this works.), but wanted you all to know how much I am enjoying the journaling you are doing. It is so wonderful being a part of such a touching story! Can't wait to meet Raegan and watch both girls interact. I see Raegan has caught on to the snack traps!

Love to all!
Connie B.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Darlene & Keith said...

Congrat's to the Biggs family!!

Reagan and our daughter Kaylee were in the SWI together. I have picture's of them together. :o)

AKA: Kaylee's Mommy

10:54 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Ok, Tina, I've been checking the bookmark all this time and nothing is added. It was taking me to August only! So, after you wrote to the list today, and I realized you are there and have her, and then someone else said they'd seen your blog, I re-entered the address and here is all of this! Wow, they really cut her hair didn't they. That caregiver in the green shirt is the same one that brought Li Wan to us. She is SO nice. I'm glad to hear it is going so well for you and that you finally have her. Good luck on the giardia...Li Wan had it, but we treated it last week with just one dose of Tinidazole or something like that. But LiWan didn't have diahrea fortunately. Congratlutions on getting her!!!!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Congratulations Tina...I finally realized you were journalling..I'd been checking, but the bookmark brought up only through August.
I'm glad you're doing so well!


4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac- today at Montessori the children wanted to count in Chinese because they were thinking of YOU!!!! We love you! See you soon!!!

Room 3

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like things continue to go very well for you all!!! Hooray!!! See - you guys are naturals at being parents of TWO beautiful girls! God works in wonderful ways, that is for sure.

Sorry to hear about the Giardia. All 10 of the girls in our travel group ended up being diagnosed with it within a month of coming home. All I can say is GOOD LUCK getting that nasty medicine down Reagan! It is very important to take all of the medicine, because if she doesn't take it all, the "Big G" as all of us Moms called it will still be there. And you'll probably get a call from the local Health Department once they confirm she has it -- at least she hasn't been swimming in any pools here in the U.S.! Carly took the medicine and the next time we had her tested, everything was fine. So, it definitely is beatable!

Love the picture of the two girls walking down the hallway -- so precious!!!



5:28 PM  

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