Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's Official - She's A Biggs

It's official...she's a Biggs. Yay!!!!!!

We took Mackenzie to the Civil Affairs meetings with us today. We wanted her to see the process that we went through in order to have her officially declared a Biggs. She was so good. Taking it all in. There were SOOO many children being placed and registered today. Mackenzie asked why there were so many "childwen" there today. I explained to her that ALL of the beautiful children there today had finally found their Mommy's and Daddy's and were going home in a couple weeks just like Raegan. She just looked at me and smiled and said, "That's pretty cool." Yes, Mackenzie, that's pretty cool.

When we walked in today we met the caregiver who had presented Raegan to us as soon as we turned the corner. Our hearts sank because we just knew this was going to cause a reaction from Raegan, and she had had such a wonderful morning all morning. Woke up in such good spirits, ate a good breakfast, and was doing really well. As soon as we saw the caregiver she stopped to ask about Raegan. I probably would have been concerned if she had done anything else, but part of me was really wishing she had just smiled and walked on past. She was so nice and we answered all of her questions. She had asked Jeffery to exchange two US 100 dollar bills for her as she could not get them converted because they were too "worn." (Adoption agencies tell their people to order brand new 100 dollars bills to come to China because they will not be able to convert older money.) So Jeffery worked with her to get the two bills to her. The whole time I'm thinking, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. But then, I looked down at Raegan and she didn't even pay any attention to the caregiver. As the caregiver walked away she looked at Raegan and said "bye bye Le Huan". Raegan just looked up and went right back to her toy she had brought. YES!!!!!

We then went to our meeting with the Department of Notary. That was quick and painless. Mackenzie handed the nice woman the gift and we moved on down the hall to get our picture taken. This was the worst part. Mackenzie could not be in the picture. So, I had to explain to her why Mommy, Daddy, and Raegan were getting their picture taken and she couldn't be in it. You could tell she didn't understand, and she didn't like it. I thought my heart was going to break. I then promised her that it would be the absolute LAST picture we ever have taken as a family without her. I then asked her if she would stand behind the camera and try to get Raegan to smile. She was all good then, and it was so cute watching her try to get her sister to laugh.

Then down the hall to the Department of Civil Affairs. That was even quicker and we were on our way. Bill (our Sunny Ridge staff person in China) is so good. I tell everyone I know that I feel we got special treatment when we were here for Mackenzie because we were with Sunny Ridge. I feel it even more so with Raegan.

We came back to the room, changed back into our clothes and headed to the Cow and Bridge again to eat. It's so fun to watch Mackenzie eat here. She doesn't know to "not" like it. So, she eats things that even Jeffery and I won't eat. Today she ate 3 helpings of fried noodles with beef - she loves it. Raegan could live on congee and rice, although I did try several different foods at breakfast. I think she'll "try" anything. She also feeds herself pretty well. That shocked me.

We then went off to buy some shoes for Raegan. She had on a pair of sandals when she was presented to us. They don't have a mark on them, but, as Mackenzie would say, "they don't match." So, we went to go purchase a couple pair of squeeky shoes. (Michelle - you have GOT to let me know what size Carly wears and what color(s)- I have found a store with a GREAT selection.) I had to get squeeky shoes because Mackenzie has a pair that we kept in her "keepsakes" chest and we wanted to do the same for Raegan. But, also, you can take the squeekers out and you can't buy a pair of shoes this cheap in the states.

Everyone is napping now. Tonight....good old pasta and pizza from Danny's Pizza (those of you who have been to Shamian know what I'm talking about.). Bill and the Keppler girls will join us.

Thank you to those of you who are tuning in and commenting. It's so nice to know that someone is out there watching our journey. We wish you ALL could see it from here!


Blogger Susan said...

Thanks for putting your link on the SR China Adopt board for the rest of us to see! Both of your daughters are beautiful, and I love seeing the photos.

It's fun to read about your trip, too, because I'm in Sunny Ridge's July 05 group and we're hoping to get our referrals in just a few weeks! I love seeing what you're doing and imagining I'll be doing the same thing soon.

Blessings on your family!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi CC, Tina, Mackenzie & Raegan,
The pictures you've posted speak volumes about your journey. You've captured the range of emotions from joy (reflected in the smiling faces), peace (shown in the sleeping faces of your beautiful daughters), to pride and gratitude (on the faces of the beaming parents. And as usual you've also captured a hint of mischief on CC's face. :)

Thanks for taking the time to post both pictures and stories so those of us at home can share in your experience.

Love, Sherry

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Biggs family of 4,

I was so touched by the entire journey God has taken you on. As I read of your adventures tears filled my eyes, our God the King of Kings, is awesome. He wanted all of Disney to know that Reagan and Mackenzie were His princesses. I loved the picture titled our 2 best gifts. Still praying for you all.

3:03 PM  
Blogger mom of 3 so far said...

Congratulations Biggs family on your newest member. She is just beautiful! Thank you for allowing us to follow along with your journey!!!
I saw in another post you mentioned Bloomington, did you mean B/Normal- Bloomington? I am only 30 miles to your north in Pontiac if you did. Small world! Your family is just beautiful! And Yes you are getting special treatment because of Bill, he is such an angel on earth!!!!!!!

Hugs and blessings from the Baron's
Dawn & Steve
Adam, Kaitlyn & EmmaLi (a 1-16-06)

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!! It's official now!!! The Biggs family just expanded to a family of 4! You all look great in the pictures -- Reagan looks like a total sweetheart. And Mackenzie, of course, as beautiful as ever. Is she ready to share the throne with her new little sis? You will now have TWO queens in the household. :o)

I would LOVE some squeaky shoes for Carly! The problem is, I don't know what size in China sizes she wears -- when we were in Guangzhou, you could go in to one store and find one sizing scale and then a completely different sizing structure in the shop right next door. Carly is wearing a size U.S. size 6 (Stride Rite brand) now -- I just measured her foot and it measures between 4 3/4 and 5 inches long from the heel to the tip of her toes. IF you are able to find some you think might fit, I would so appreciate it! I'll pay you back whatever you spend. Colors -- anything, really! Black, red, brown, pink, anything that you think is cute!

Hope you continue to have a great time. Can't wait to hear more about Reagan's personality as she begins to really warm up to her new family. Enjoy - and Happy Shopping!!!


9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats Bigg's. See you all soon.

tom & Seth

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have printed out your journey for the church.Especially for those that don't have a computer to follow this miracle. What a blessing to have technology so we can share this time with the new family. Dena

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful family!! Mackenzie everyone at Montessori is so excited to meet your sister. We cant wait for you to bring her in. We miss you so much, but we know you can feel our kisses in China!! Love you!

Room 3

3:32 PM  

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