Friday, September 15, 2006

Thank God - Sunshine!

Even though it brought heat and even more humidity with it, we were glad to see the sunshine today. We seized this opportunity to go see the Yutian Botanical Gardens. This was one of the sights that we missed when we were here last time as the group went that day after that infamous event of Mackenzie rolling off the bed and breaking her arm.

The gardens were beautfiul and even though it was hot, I was glad we had a sunny day to enjoy them with all of their color. It was very interesting to watch the men creating the sculptures with foliage. It was just another example of the intricate detail the Chinese put into everything they do, especially their art work.

Mackenzie and Meghan were excellent even with the heat. They enjoyed the gardens because many of the sculpture really capture their attention. They also enjoyed feeding the coy in the pond. Our budding photographer, Meghan, enjoyed taking pictures. And, at the very end the ever she and Mackenzie enjoyed a photo shoot right by the fountain. Mackenzie ALWAYS up for a good photo shoot.

After the gardens we went back to Shamian and had a great lunch at the Cow and Bridge. Mackenzie LOVES the Cow and Bridge. I find this remarkable since the first time we were here we had one meal there and I just wouldn't go back. She has really eaten very well here - probably much better than Mom.

After lunch Raegan and Daddy went to the room to take a nap. The "big girls" went to the playground to burn off some energy. It was very hot, but the girls enjoyed the playtime. We then went to the Beatrice to get an ice cream treat to cool them off. While we sat outside the Beatrice to enjoy our ice cream, Mackenzie struck up a conversation with one of the locals (imagaine that). The local people love to talk to Americans to practice their English. Many of them are very good. Melinda and I also were able to have a conversation with two young women who were in college their in Guangzhou. One was a sophmore at the local college studying English. She hoped to teach English as a second language to young children.
We went back to the room to rest a bit before dinner. We agreed it was back to Lucy's for dinner and then a stroll before we turned in for the night. Both Mackenzie and Meghan had managed to stay awake all day. We were sure they were both in for a GREAT night's sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a happy girl that little Raegan is! She certainly doesn't look like she's missing her (former) caregiver! I'm so glad you got some sun today. Sounds like you had a great sightseeing day. Can't wait for you to be home though.
Love to all,
Connie B.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina, I can't thank you enough for sharing these pictures and details of your trip with us. They are coming through real well. I am so happy for you & CC. You deserve this. You both have so much love to give. Can't wait to see Raegan!
Love you, Shirley

7:08 PM  

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