Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Exam Day

We had an interesting night last night. One child continues to have INTERESTING diapers due to her battle with giardia. Last night Mackenzie decided to throw up right in her bowl of Ramen noodles. Thank God we ate in our room last night. How would I have explained THAT to the locals. However, this morning Mackenzie woke up and was just fine. This child just continues to AMAZE me on this trip. You all would be so proud of her if you could see her spirit during this journey....she just continues to teach me so many things every day.

After breakfast we headed down by the Pearl River. I had taken some pictures of Mackenzie here when we were here to adopt her. I wanted to try to recreate those same settings in a picture with an older Mackenzie. Unfortunately the park area has changed some and it was difficult to do. The local people were in the park area practicing their ballroom dancing, and Mackenzie and Meghan took the opportunity to show then some of their moves. Everyone enjoyed watching these two beautiful China dolls dance, and they even got applause after the first number.

We then strolled the island a little while to enjoy a cup of coffee and pass some time until Raegan's physical exam. There is another family here on Shamian that adopted a child from Shantou who was placed on the same day as Raegan. They are staying at our hotel, and we run into them often. It is so fun to watch the two girls interact with each other when they see each other. It is obvious that they remember each other. They jabber back and forth and smile. It reminds me of the babies on "Look Who's Talking Now".

Today was Raegan's physical exam to receive her visa for the United States. I remembered this exam well for Mackenzie. That morning Mackenzie had rolled off the bed and had broken her arm. However, we didn't realize anything was wrong with her until AFTER we had gotten back from the exam and we realized she wasn't using her right had to pick up Cheerios or toys. It was just laying limp by her side. A little later a trip to an emergency room in Guangzhou (now THAT was an adventure) determined she had broken her arm. She had that arm in a splint until Valentine's Day. They never even realized her arm was broken in the that should give you an idea of how thorough this exam usually is.

On the way to the exam we explained to Mackenzie what would be going on with Raegan. She had seen her video from the exam and knew what to expect. We explained that Raegan would probably cry, but no one was really hurting her. It would just be a little scary for her. We told her she could watch, but she had to stay out of the nurses' way. We told her if watching Raegan cry made her too upset, she could sit with Meghan and Melinda outside the room. She said it would be OK.

Just like every other baby I've watched go through this exam, Raegan did not like the doctors and nurses poking on her at all. As a matter of fact, she probably liked it even less and let her voice be heard about it. Watch out, Dr. are in for a fight during her first exam! I can't even imagine trying to draw blood from her.

Raegan was OK until she had to stick her tongue out and get the tongue depressor in her mouth. It went down hill from there. For Mommy and Daddy everything went incredibly smooth until they listened to her heart. She was crying VERY loudly by then, so it was difficult for the nurse to hear her heart very well. They knew she was a VSD child, so we ended up having to go to about three different doctors....each one listening to her heart. None of them that doesn't make you feel very reassured. Dad had handled the exam up until we had to take her to another doctor...then Mom took over. It's not like you can ask these doctors any questions....and those of you who know me best know how THAT was killing me. I just know Jean Biggs was up in Heaven going....Watch out, Doc, the Little General is getting ready to ask questions, you've had it now! However....I was able to make eye contact with Bill who was able to reassure me that it was all very precautionary and they were just ensuring every thing was OK.

From there we went on to the weight and height measurements. This was the part I was waiting for. Are you ready...... she weighs 26 POUNDS!! Every one that sees her says... BIG BABY! Yea, BIG BABY, Try lifting her! By the time I laid her down for length measurements she had had enough and got VERY upset. I hate it when they give you that look like....make them stop, Mommy. I tried my best to calm her....but she was TICKED OFF!

Once the doctors got done poking around on her she quickly settled down. I've never seen her more ready to get back in her stroller. All the while, her big sister Mackenzie never left her side.

We're back in our room now. Everyone is taking a short nap since it's a little late. It's a little rainy here again today. We're having Danny's Pizza tonight. Tomorrow (Thursday) we have to stay in our room until Bill has left the Consulate just in case he has questions for us. Then Friday afternoon we go to the Consulate for the swearing-in ceremony. Then, Saturday....Home Sweet Home!


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