Monday, September 18, 2006

Life on Shamian Island

Just some pictures from our life on Shamian Island.

The picture on the left is of Mackenzie, Meghan, and Stella. Stella is the young lady who works at the store that we've freguented for clothes and shoes for Raegan (everything we brought is a little snug) and they also do our laundry. The island is full of these little shops and each one has a "Stella" that works very hard to sell you their goods. Some will go so far as to stand on the street and talk you into coming into their store. It's a little uncomfortable for us Americans that aren't used to that behavior. However, after a while you get used to it. Many of these young ladies work very long hours and make commisions only.
To burn off some young energy, we often head
down to the playground. OSHA and DCFS would have a field day with the equipment. However, as you can see on the right it is a very popular place for Moms and young children, especially on the weekends. You can see Meghan on the running track. Mackenzie and I are running a distant second and third behind her.

We spend a lot of time on Shamian Island just strolling around. Other than sitting in the hotel room, there isn't much else to do. Thank God the weather has been sooo pleasant that strolling is actually very relaxing.

Our choices of cuisine are rather limited here on the island. Especially when you're like I am and not willing to venture out with the unknown. I've SEEN what they sell in those buckets at the Guangzhou market!!! Many time we just sit in the room and enjoy Ramen noodles for lunch or supper. MawMaw Mac will be glad to know that Raegan loves Ramen noodles just as much as Mackenzie does. Come to think of it.....we haven't found much of anything Raegan doesn't like. I think it's so cute when she crosses her legs and puts her bowl in her lap to eat. She actually leans over the bowl.

Tomorrow we go for Raegan's passport and her medical exam necessary for her visa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm dying to know . . . what size clothes did you take with you that are fitting Raegan a little snugly? I love reading all your journaling!

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Biggs!

Mackenzie, today at Montessori the children asked when you were coming home with your sister? We told them next week!!! They were so excited!! They really miss your sweet face!

Love you!

Mrs. Michaels

PS. Raegan looks so cute sitting with her legs crossed. What a little lady!

9:31 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Stella was our special friend too, she is very friendly. They did our laundry too, and let me use their computer. LiWan loves Ramen too...I wonder if they eat a lot of noodles at the orphanage.


12:41 AM  

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