Friday, September 22, 2006

Homeward Bound

Today we went to the US Consulate along with at least 50 other families (if not more - gosh I hope they aren't ALL on our plane) for the swearing in ceremony. We were asked to raise our right hands (and ALL of us did, including Mackenzie AND Raegan) and swear all the information we have given the US government about us and our daughter is true. She has now been given a Chinese passport with a US visa and will be allowed to enter the country. Once she goes through immigration at the airport she will be a US citizen.

We do not have any pictures of the ceremony. You are not allowed to take cameras (or much of anything else) into the consulate.

We are so ready to come home ....we are all SOOO homesick. I think even Raegan is homesick. I miss my Mom and Mackenzie misses her school. Tomorrow morning we will get up early to have our bags downstairs at 5:30am and be in the van at 6am to head for Guangzhou airport. We'll then travel to Hong Kong and board United Airlines flight 896 at 12:45pm to Chicago O'Hare which will arrive at the internation terminal at 2:17pm. (No, the flight doesn't take 2 hours.....don't I wish. It takes over 14. China is 13 hours ahead of us.) The Klasens will pick us up and take us to our vehicle at their house. We'll then hop into our vehicle for the first time with two little princesses in the back and head for Bloomington. Home sweet home.

Please continue to pray for our safe travels. That is what has gotten us through this trip so amazingly so far. What a trip it has been. We wouldn't have missed it for the WORLD!

We love you all!!

Mom/Wielands/Biggs - we'll call as soon as we're on US soil!!!! We love you!

Please know we have not been able to receive emails for the past couple days for some reason. So we have not been able to moderate blog comments or have not received your emails you have sent. Sorry! :o(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish we could meet you at the airport, but, we will be in they say in Ireland, Best wishes, Safe Home and God Bless! Mike, Marilou & Lily

12:48 PM  

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