Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's Positive....No Kidding!

Before we left for China to get Raegan I had read a great deal about the children from Shantou testing positive for an intestinal parasite called giardia. This little nemesis caused all kinds of havoc on these little creatures intestines.....not to mention their diapers. So, when I was preparing to pack for China, I requested treatment for giardia along with the antibiotic and other scripts I was taking to China for Raegan. I was told that giardia is something that the doctor didn't feel comfortable treating until we have a positive test result.

OK.....about 90% of the kids leaving Shantou have come home with a positive test result.....they've been treated....and sometimes it takes more than one treatment to get rid of it. I'm getting ready to go get a child from Shantou....aren't the chances pretty good that she is going to come home and test positive as well. Isn't that enough positive to warrant a script? No. you know from previous posts....we have been more than certain we've been fighting this little intestinal demon since the day we laid eyes on Raegan Biggs. Considering our appointments wasn't until Tuesday, October 3, I thought I'd try once again to get a script for a treatment for the giardia. Upon calling the doctor she said we'd get a sample when I came in. OK....look....this poor child has some of the most darn awful diarrhea that I've ever the point that she has been passing blood in her stools. She doesn't feel well, I'm changing her clothes and bathing her about twice a day....and I have another small child I'm concerned about passing this on to. Can't we at least go ahead and test so we can start treatment. Sure...come and get a stool sample kit.

Upon arriving at the office on Friday morning I open up the plastic hospital bag that they've given me. This bag is awful big to contain a couple small vials for poop samples. Upon opening the bag I see they've included a "bonnet" for the toilet. Pardon me....what exactly am I supposed to do with this my daughter is not potty-trained (I wanted to say - maybe you missed the part that she's only two and came from a Chinese orphanage - but I didn't)???'s imperative that the stool sample not touch the diaper as it will contaminate the sample. Oh...that should be no problem....I'll just scrape a sample off what goes up her back and another one from what runs down her legs!! We suggest you line the diaper with Saran wrap if she can't sit on the toilet. Why is there two sets of vials. We'll need more than one days sample. You'll need to take a sample today and then bring in another sample three days later. Yea...right.

Have you ever tried lining a diaper with Saran Wrap? Better ever seen what happens when you finally get a diaper lined with Saran Wrap? Oh....believe me....there is no problem with the "specimen" hitting the diaper. That diaper was as clean as a whistle. I only wish I could say the same for Raegan's car seat.

Finally by Monday morning I was determined we were going to have success. Raegan was sitting at the counter eating breakfast when I recognized that all too familiar and oh so pitiful face. I immediately snatched her up while grabbing the "bonnet" from the plastic bag. With Raegan under one arm and the bonnet in my other hand I lifted the toilet seat, put the bonnet on the lid, yanked down Raegan's pants and diaper, and placed her on the pot. It was only after I got her on the pot that I checked to make sure I had done all this in time. YES!!! No mess!! And being the over-achieving child Raegan is she proceeded to give me one heck of a sample....all of which was nice and tidy in the bonnet without fear of any "contamination" by a diaper. YAY Raegan!!!

It's when you're sitting in the bathroom floor with a small vile with a little built-in "pooper scooper" in the lid and your spooning "specimen" in the vial and you're actually happy about it you realize you have lost every shred of dignity you once had. Never-the-less, I scooped until I had two vials to take to the lab. YAY Mommy!!

Now, in case you doubt how bright our child might be.....Jeffery brought the little potty home from the storage building after I told him about my little episode. We placed it in the bathroom and showed it to Raegan. In the past two days Raegan has gone pee in the potty at least three times each day. she good, or WHAT???

Today....we got a "positive" read on our samples. Raegan has tested positive for giardia. NO KIDDING! Finally....we can start treating this poor little girl and hopefully get her well so she can feel good and be 100%. Oh my gosh......I'm not sure I can keep up with her 100%!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina Biggs - you are hilarious! I think you should send these to a magazine and see about getting them published! I love reading about your adventures and I can't wait to meet Raegan at Christmas!

Congratulations on your beautiful family.

Christina Miller (Carolyn's daughter)

8:46 AM  

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