Monday, October 02, 2006

Thank God for Grandma's

This past weekend Mackenzie and Raegan got to enjoy two of their grandma's - MawMaw Judy (Biggs) and MawMaw Mac (Cornelius). It was so great to have them both here and to get to watch them experience Raegan for the first time.

MawMaw Judy came on Thursday afternoon just in time to go with me to pick up Mackenzie at Cornerstone. Mackenzie was so excited to see MawMaw in the car, but was even more excited that MawMaw got to see her new school.

Raegan, just like her big sister before her, didn't take long to get comfortable in MawMaw's lap with a good book. That was the most I've seen that child sit still since we've had her. Mackenzie has always loved reading with MawMaw and it looks like Raegan will, too.

MawMaw left on Friday but not before she paid a visit to Mackenzie at Montessori. Mackenzie was thrilled that she got to introduce MawMaw Judy to all of her classmates at Montessori. MawMaw then went with Raegan and I to take Mackenzie to Cornerstone where Mackenzie said a sad goodbye to MawMaw Judy. Although she was worried about MaMa Cat and Aunt Bec without MawMaw Judy, she was sad to see her go.

Later Friday night MawMaw Mac came in with Uncle Bud, Aunt Jan, and Lexis. Once again Mackenzie was thrilled and Raegan got thrilled just because everyone was so excited. Just like her big sister....Raegan went straight to Bud. Lexis was fascinated with Raegan, much like she was Mackenzie when she arrived. Mackenzie loves playing with Lexis when she's here. They always have a good time.

It's always nice to have company, but it's especially nice when company is your Grandma. Aren't they wonderful!


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