Saturday, October 14, 2006

First Week At Daycare

This week Raegan started daycare for 1/2 days. I dreaded Monday as I remembered that first day we took Mackenzie. With Mackenzie, I couldn't stand the thought of taking her one minute sooner than I absolutely had to. So, my first day back to work Mackenzie was introduced to daycare and spent all day there. We both cried all day every day for at least two weeks.

With Raegan I swore I would not put either one of us through that, so I decided to transition for 1/2 days prior to going back. Well, the first day Raegan went I took her to her table where they were serving pancakes for breakfast. We went through our good bye routine (big hug, kisses, love you) and then I mustered up the courage to stand up and walk away. However...I did look back. Although I didn't turn into a pillar of salt my heart did break when I saw this little person walking right behind me. I quickened my step, walked out the door, and shut it behind me. I stood there and listened for tears....that would be my excuse to go running back in. However, the tears never came. I peaked my head around the wall to steal a glance, and there she was.....sitting at the table eating her pancake like she didn't have a care in the world. NOW, what am I supposed to do????

By Thursday I was willing to try to let her stay through nap time. That went great. Few tears right after being placed on the cot. She went right to sleep though, and rolled off the cot twice without even waking up (she is ALL OVER the bed at night). When I walked in that afternoon she was up, sitting with her friends at the table and having snack. I just sat and watched her. She's just so fun to watch. is really starting to look normal at the Biggs residence again. Still going through some tests and examinations. Those will probably take place over the next several weeks. I'd like to say the medication has helped the giardia....but I changed her clothes at least twice today and three times that should give you a clue.

Every day makes it seem even more like Raegan has always been here.


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