Monday, November 20, 2006

Up To the Challenge

To say the last several weeks have been busy would be an understatement. I never imagined the impact one small (okay, somewhat small) child could have on a household just from a laundry, dishes, groceries, and schedule perspective. I once prided myself on being organized to the point of being anal. I am sorry to say I am now disorganized to the point of being clueless. I am determined to once again claim my organized self. I intend to plant my flag high on the mountain of anality once I scale it again.

We've also had other mountains placed in our path in the past several weeks. Genetic testing has revealed that Raegan is Turner's Syndrome. We have become quite educated on this syndrome. The greatest and most likely impacts will be to her physical height and possibly to her reproductive system. She will have to undergo growth hormones and possibly estrogen treatments. It is likely that she will be infertile. There are also other small risks with this syndrome. We are getting Raegan to Children's Hospital in Peoria for further evaluations over the next several weeks to determine the best course of treatment for Raegan's development.

We thank God that we have been given the ability to know about this so early so we can begin treatment right away. Yes, this will be something Raegan will have to deal with the rest of her life. Are we happy about it, no. Could it be a whole lot worse - absolutely! Part of me wonders why she has to deal with anything more. Hasn't she had enough? And then I realize - it's because she can. After watching this child's spirit for the past 60 days I can assure you - God knows she's up to the challenge. Go get 'em Raegan!


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